Take 2 minutes to relax. Pray and draw your focus to God. Thank God for something that has happened in your day.
The first series in this Bible reading plan is looking at different aspects of who God is and how that impacts us. They will all take the same format, starting with prayer, followed by a short reading and then some questions to help you reflect on the passage. This week we are looking at God the Almighty - El Shaddai in Hebrew.
We will be using a framework of Up / In / Out as a basis for reflecting on the passage. This is not trying to study in great detail but more reflect on how God might be speaking to us through this passage. UP - Our relationship with God, IN - our personal relationship with people who we let guide us, and OUT - how we apply our christian faith to have an impact in the world.
Take time to reflect on the passage through these questions (or ignore them if something else speaks to you). If you feel challenged by any of them share this with a friend - being accountable and honest encourages us to grow in our faith.
Genesis 17:1-9
Abram's response to God declaring He is the Almighty and calling Abram into covenant with Him is to fall face-down in worship. When you feel God prompting you what is your response? Is it in willingness and worship or reluctance?
God commands Abram not just to share this covenant with his household but to get them to take practical steps as a sign of their acceptance. Who do you support with actions to affirm and accept God's word to them? Who do you have who you turn to for support?
God's covenant with Abram was not just for his immediate family or closest friends but for his whole community. How can we affirm God's call for our local church community?
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